NO12G02730, NO12G02730 (gene) Nannochloropsis oceanica
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Annotated Terms
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BLAST of NO12G02730 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: EWM25756.1 (dna excision repair protein ercc-6 [Nannochloropsis gaditana]) HSP 1 Score: 106.7 bits (265), Expect = 6.800e-20 Identity = 62/86 (72.09%), Postives = 74/86 (86.05%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 56 TDILSRFREREXXXXXXXXXLVMAGAEARYMSLMDRIKKFLMEKGPRVPTERLLQYFRDVPHTDAVIFKAMLKTVGRLENGAWSLR 142 TDILSRF REXXXXXXXXX GA+ARY+SL++RIKKFL EKGPRVPTE +L++F+ VPH+DAVIFK MLK+VG+L GAW+LR Sbjct: 848 TDILSRF--REXXXXXXXXXXXXXGADARYVSLLERIKKFLREKGPRVPTEEVLRHFKHVPHSDAVIFKTMLKSVGKLSRGAWTLR 931 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of NO12G02730 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Analysis Date: 2019-07-11 (BLASTP analysis of N. oceanica IMET1 genes) Total hits: 1
This gene is member of the following syntenic_region feature(s):
This gene is orthologous to the following gene feature(s):
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this gene:
The following gene feature(s) are orthologous to this gene:
The following mRNA feature(s) are a part of this gene:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
gene sequence >NO12G02730 ID=NO12G02730|Name=NO12G02730|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=gene|length=1086bpback to top protein sequence of NO12G02730.1 >NO12G02730.1-protein ID=NO12G02730.1-protein|Name=NO12G02730.1|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=polypeptide|length=158bpback to top Synonyms