NO16G01870.1, NO16G01870.1 (mRNA) Nannochloropsis oceanica
No biomaterial libraries express this feature.
The following features are aligned
This mRNA is derived from or has results from the following analyses
Annotated Terms
BLAST of NO16G01870.1 vs.
Match: XP_005855084.1 (large subunit ribosomal protein L35e [Nannochloropsis gaditana CCMP526]; EKU21268.1 large subunit ribosomal protein L35e [Nannochloropsis gaditana CCMP526]; EWM23878.1 60s ribosomal protein l35 [Nannochloropsis gaditana]) HSP 1 Score: 206.5 bits (524), Expect = 7.300e-50 Identity = 112/125 (89.60%), Postives = 122/125 (97.60%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 60 MVAGKIKAKELRTKQKADLVKQLDELKKELSELRVAKVTGGAASKLAKIKIVRKSIARVLTVYNQTQKSKLREKFAGSKYMPLDLRRKKTRAIRRRLTKHEQGLKTVRAVKREQAAPKRRYALKA 185 MVAGK+KAK+LRTK KA++VKQL+ELKKELSELRVAKVTGGAASKLAKIK+VRKSIARVLTVYNQTQK+KLREKF GSKYMP+DLRRKKTRAIRRRLTKHE+GLKTVRAVKREQA PKRRYAL+A Sbjct: 1 MVAGKLKAKDLRTKSKAEMVKQLEELKKELSELRVAKVTGGAASKLAKIKVVRKSIARVLTVYNQTQKAKLREKFTGSKYMPMDLRRKKTRAIRRRLTKHEEGLKTVRAVKREQAVPKRRYALRA 125 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of NO16G01870.1 vs.
Analysis Date: 2017-10-25 (Homology annotation for N. oceanica IMET1) Total hits: 1
This mRNA is a part of the following gene feature(s):
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this mRNA:
The following CDS feature(s) are a part of this mRNA:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
mRNA sequence >NO16G01870.1 ID=NO16G01870.1|Name=NO16G01870.1|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=mRNA|length=878bpback to top protein sequence of NO16G01870.1 >NO16G01870.1-protein ID=NO16G01870.1-protein|Name=NO16G01870.1|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=polypeptide|length=185bpback to top mRNA from alignment at chr16:547015..548480- Legend: polypeptideCDS Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.>NO16G01870.1 ID=NO16G01870.1|Name=NO16G01870.1|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=mRNA|length=1466bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at chr16:547015..548480- (Nannochloropsis oceanica)back to top Coding sequence (CDS) from alignment at chr16:547015..548480- >NO16G01870.1 ID=NO16G01870.1|Name=NO16G01870.1|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=CDS|length=555bp|location=Sequence derived from alignment at chr16:547015..548480- (Nannochloropsis oceanica)back to top Synonyms