NO20G01390, NO20G01390 (gene) Nannochloropsis oceanica
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BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: EWM22080.1 (anaphase-promoting complex subunit 11 [Nannochloropsis gaditana]) HSP 1 Score: 147.5 bits (371), Expect = 1.400e-32 Identity = 57/62 (91.94%), Postives = 60/62 (96.77%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKVKI+RWH VATW+WDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDC+IPGDDCPPVWG CNHAFHMHCIMK Sbjct: 1 MKVKIKRWHAVATWQWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCHIPGDDCPPVWGGCNHAFHMHCIMK 62
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: POM58436.1 (Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 11 domain containing hypothetical protein [Phytophthora palmivora var. palmivora]) HSP 1 Score: 127.9 bits (320), Expect = 1.200e-26 Identity = 48/62 (77.42%), Postives = 54/62 (87.10%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKV I+RWHGVATW+W V++E CGIC AFEACCPDC +PGD CPPVWG CNHAFHMHC+MK Sbjct: 1 MKVTIKRWHGVATWKWGVDEECCGICRYAFEACCPDCTMPGDGCPPVWGACNHAFHMHCLMK 62
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: POM65884.1 (Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 11 domain containing hypothetical protein [Phytophthora palmivora var. palmivora]) HSP 1 Score: 127.9 bits (320), Expect = 1.200e-26 Identity = 48/62 (77.42%), Postives = 54/62 (87.10%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKV I+RWHGVATW+W V++E CGIC AFEACCPDC +PGD CPPVWG CNHAFHMHC+MK Sbjct: 1 MKVTIKRWHGVATWKWGVDEECCGICRYAFEACCPDCTMPGDGCPPVWGACNHAFHMHCLMK 62
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: OWZ10335.1 (Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 11 [Phytophthora megakarya]) HSP 1 Score: 126.7 bits (317), Expect = 2.600e-26 Identity = 47/62 (75.81%), Postives = 54/62 (87.10%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKV I++WHGVATW+W V++E CGIC AFEACCPDC +PGD CPPVWG CNHAFHMHC+MK Sbjct: 1 MKVTIKKWHGVATWKWGVDEECCGICRYAFEACCPDCTMPGDGCPPVWGACNHAFHMHCLMK 62
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_009521384.1 (hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_345071 [Phytophthora sojae] >EGZ26096.1 hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_345071 [Phytophthora sojae]) HSP 1 Score: 125.9 bits (315), Expect = 4.500e-26 Identity = 48/62 (77.42%), Postives = 53/62 (85.48%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKV I+RWHGVATW W V++E CGIC AFEACCPDC +PGD CPPVWG CNHAFHMHC+MK Sbjct: 9 MKVTIKRWHGVATWTWGVDEECCGICRYAFEACCPDCAMPGDGCPPVWGACNHAFHMHCLMK 70
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_008896325.1 (hypothetical protein PPTG_04211 [Phytophthora parasitica INRA-310] >ETI35990.1 hypothetical protein F443_17814 [Phytophthora parasitica P1569] >ETL82885.1 hypothetical protein L917_17069 [Phytophthora parasitica] >ETM36118.1 hypothetical protein L914_17139 [Phytophthora parasitica] >ETN18688.1 hypothetical protein PPTG_04211 [Phytophthora parasitica INRA-310] >ETO64709.1 hypothetical protein F444_17851 [Phytophthora parasitica P1976]) HSP 1 Score: 124.8 bits (312), Expect = 1.000e-25 Identity = 46/62 (74.19%), Postives = 54/62 (87.10%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKV I+RWHGVATW+W V++E CGIC AFEACCP+C +PGD CPPVWG CNHAFHMHC++K Sbjct: 1 MKVTIKRWHGVATWKWGVDEECCGICRYAFEACCPECTMPGDGCPPVWGACNHAFHMHCLVK 62
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: ETK76225.1 (hypothetical protein L915_17343 [Phytophthora parasitica] >ETL29663.1 hypothetical protein L916_17236 [Phytophthora parasitica] >ETP05808.1 hypothetical protein F441_17691 [Phytophthora parasitica CJ01A1]) HSP 1 Score: 124.8 bits (312), Expect = 1.000e-25 Identity = 46/62 (74.19%), Postives = 54/62 (87.10%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKV I+RWHGVATW+W V++E CGIC AFEACCP+C +PGD CPPVWG CNHAFHMHC++K Sbjct: 17 MKVTIKRWHGVATWKWGVDEECCGICRYAFEACCPECTMPGDGCPPVWGACNHAFHMHCLVK 78
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: ETP33918.1 (hypothetical protein F442_17671 [Phytophthora parasitica P10297]) HSP 1 Score: 124.8 bits (312), Expect = 1.000e-25 Identity = 46/62 (74.19%), Postives = 54/62 (87.10%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKV I+RWHGVATW+W V++E CGIC AFEACCP+C +PGD CPPVWG CNHAFHMHC++K Sbjct: 17 MKVTIKRWHGVATWKWGVDEECCGICRYAFEACCPECTMPGDGCPPVWGACNHAFHMHCLVK 78
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_020904846.1 (anaphase-promoting complex subunit 11-like [Exaiptasia pallida]) HSP 1 Score: 122.9 bits (307), Expect = 3.800e-25 Identity = 46/62 (74.19%), Postives = 52/62 (83.87%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKVKI+RW GVATWRW ND+ CGIC AF+ CCPDC IPGDDCP VWG+C+H FHMHCI+K Sbjct: 1 MKVKIKRWIGVATWRWVANDDSCGICRMAFDGCCPDCKIPGDDCPLVWGKCSHVFHMHCILK 62
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: AAL13436.1 (anaphase promoting complex subunit 11 [Arabidopsis thaliana]) HSP 1 Score: 122.1 bits (305), Expect = 6.500e-25 Identity = 44/62 (70.97%), Postives = 50/62 (80.65%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 1 MKVKIQRWHGVATWRWDVNDERCGICYTAFEACCPDCNIPGDDCPPVWGRCNHAFHMHCIMK 63 MKVKI RWH VA+W WD DE CGIC AF+ CCPDC +PGDDCP +WG CNHAFH+HCI+K Sbjct: 1 MKVKILRWHAVASWTWDAQDETCGICRMAFDGCCPDCKLPGDDCPLIWGACNHAFHLHCILK 62 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of NO20G01390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Analysis Date: 2019-07-11 (BLASTP analysis of N. oceanica IMET1 genes) Total hits: 20
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This gene is member of the following syntenic_region feature(s):
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this gene:
The following gene feature(s) are orthologous to this gene:
The following mRNA feature(s) are a part of this gene:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
gene sequence >NO20G01390 ID=NO20G01390|Name=NO20G01390|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=gene|length=1065bpback to top protein sequence of NO20G01390.1 >NO20G01390.1-protein ID=NO20G01390.1-protein|Name=NO20G01390.1|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=polypeptide|length=87bpback to top protein sequence of NO20G01390.2 >NO20G01390.2-protein ID=NO20G01390.2-protein|Name=NO20G01390.2|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=polypeptide|length=66bpback to top Synonyms