NO14G00390, NO14G00390 (gene) Nannochloropsis oceanica
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BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_020376590.1 (wee1-like protein kinase 2-A [Rhincodon typus]) HSP 1 Score: 81.6 bits (200), Expect = 1.200e-11 Identity = 39/71 (54.93%), Postives = 51/71 (71.83%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 616 LKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 +KR+DGCLYA+KRL + L SL+ + ALR VYA A L P +VRYY AW +DD H+ +Q E+C GGSL + Sbjct: 243 VKRLDGCLYAIKRLKRPLSGSLDEQTALREVYAHAVLGHHPHVVRYYSAWAEDD-HMLIQNEYCNGGSLAD 312
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_007896861.1 (PREDICTED: wee1-like protein kinase 2-A [Callorhinchus milii]) HSP 1 Score: 80.1 bits (196), Expect = 3.500e-11 Identity = 39/75 (52.00%), Postives = 51/75 (68.00%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 612 VRGVLKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 V +KR+DGCLYA+KRL + L S + + ALR VYA A L P +VRYY AW +DD H+ +Q E+C GGSL + Sbjct: 226 VHKCVKRLDGCLYAIKRLKRPLSGSTDEQTALREVYAHAVLGHHPHVVRYYSAWAEDD-HMLIQNEYCNGGSLAD 299
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_017562711.1 (PREDICTED: wee1-like protein kinase [Pygocentrus nattereri]) HSP 1 Score: 80.1 bits (196), Expect = 3.500e-11 Identity = 37/71 (52.11%), Postives = 51/71 (71.83%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 616 LKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 +KR+DGC+YA+KR +RL S+E + ALR VYA A L P +VRYY AW +D+ H+ +Q EFC GG+L + Sbjct: 219 VKRLDGCIYAIKRSKKRLAGSVEEQAALREVYAHAVLGQHPHVVRYYSAWSEDE-HMLIQNEFCNGGTLSD 288
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_024274922.1 (wee1-like protein kinase 1-B isoform X2 [Oncorhynchus tshawytscha]) HSP 1 Score: 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 6.000e-11 Identity = 36/71 (50.70%), Postives = 51/71 (71.83%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 616 LKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 +KR+DGC+YA+KR + L SL+ + ALR VYA A L P +VRYY AW +DD H+++Q E+C GG+L + Sbjct: 276 VKRLDGCIYAIKRSKKPLAGSLDEQNALREVYAHAVLGQHPHVVRYYSAWSEDD-HMFIQNEYCNGGTLAD 345
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_024274921.1 (wee1-like protein kinase 1-A isoform X1 [Oncorhynchus tshawytscha]) HSP 1 Score: 79.3 bits (194), Expect = 6.000e-11 Identity = 36/71 (50.70%), Postives = 51/71 (71.83%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 616 LKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 +KR+DGC+YA+KR + L SL+ + ALR VYA A L P +VRYY AW +DD H+++Q E+C GG+L + Sbjct: 276 VKRLDGCIYAIKRSKKPLAGSLDEQNALREVYAHAVLGQHPHVVRYYSAWSEDD-HMFIQNEYCNGGTLAD 345
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: KPP59533.1 (wee1-like protein kinase-like [Scleropages formosus]) HSP 1 Score: 79.0 bits (193), Expect = 7.800e-11 Identity = 36/71 (50.70%), Postives = 50/71 (70.42%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 616 LKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 +KR+DGC+YA+KR + L S++ + ALR VYA A L P +VRYY AW +DD H+ +Q EFC GG+L + Sbjct: 273 VKRLDGCIYAIKRSKKPLAGSVDEQNALREVYAHAVLGQHPHVVRYYSAWAEDD-HMLIQNEFCSGGTLSD 342
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: KPP76133.1 (hypothetical protein Z043_104551 [Scleropages formosus]) HSP 1 Score: 79.0 bits (193), Expect = 7.800e-11 Identity = 37/71 (52.11%), Postives = 50/71 (70.42%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 616 LKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 +KR+DGCLYA+KRL + L S + + AL+ VYA A L P +VRYY AW +DD H+ +Q E+C GGSL + Sbjct: 244 VKRLDGCLYAIKRLRRPLAGSADEQLALKEVYAHAVLGHHPHVVRYYSAWAEDD-HMIIQNEYCDGGSLSD 313
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_018616047.1 (PREDICTED: wee1-like protein kinase 1-A [Scleropages formosus]) HSP 1 Score: 79.0 bits (193), Expect = 7.800e-11 Identity = 36/71 (50.70%), Postives = 50/71 (70.42%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 616 LKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 +KR+DGC+YA+KR + L S++ + ALR VYA A L P +VRYY AW +DD H+ +Q EFC GG+L + Sbjct: 275 VKRLDGCIYAIKRSKKPLAGSVDEQNALREVYAHAVLGQHPHVVRYYSAWAEDD-HMLIQNEFCSGGTLSD 344
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_018602982.1 (PREDICTED: wee1-like protein kinase 2 [Scleropages formosus]) HSP 1 Score: 79.0 bits (193), Expect = 7.800e-11 Identity = 37/71 (52.11%), Postives = 50/71 (70.42%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 616 LKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 +KR+DGCLYA+KRL + L S + + AL+ VYA A L P +VRYY AW +DD H+ +Q E+C GGSL + Sbjct: 210 VKRLDGCLYAIKRLRRPLAGSADEQLALKEVYAHAVLGHHPHVVRYYSAWAEDD-HMIIQNEYCDGGSLSD 279
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: AAH82404.1 (Wee1B protein [Xenopus laevis]) HSP 1 Score: 78.6 bits (192), Expect = 1.000e-10 Identity = 36/71 (50.70%), Postives = 50/71 (70.42%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 616 LKRVDGCLYAVKRLGQRLRTSLEREQALRVVYAWAALADCPKLVRYYDAWIDDDGHLYLQLEFCPGGSLEE 687 +KR+DGC+YA+KR + L S++ + ALR VYA A L P +VRYY AW +DD H+ +Q E+C GGSL + Sbjct: 259 VKRLDGCIYAIKRSKKPLAGSVDEQNALREVYAHAVLGQHPHVVRYYSAWAEDD-HMLIQNEYCNGGSLSD 328 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of NO14G00390 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Analysis Date: 2019-07-11 (BLASTP analysis of N. oceanica IMET1 genes) Total hits: 20
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This gene is member of the following syntenic_region feature(s):
This gene is orthologous to the following gene feature(s):
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this gene:
The following gene feature(s) are orthologous to this gene:
The following mRNA feature(s) are a part of this gene:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
gene sequence >NO14G00390 ID=NO14G00390|Name=NO14G00390|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=gene|length=2540bpback to top protein sequence of NO14G00390.1 >NO14G00390.1-protein ID=NO14G00390.1-protein|Name=NO14G00390.1|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=polypeptide|length=815bpback to top Synonyms