NO06G00740, NO06G00740 (gene) Nannochloropsis oceanica
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BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: EWM26129.1 (peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans fkbp-type [Nannochloropsis gaditana]) HSP 1 Score: 115.2 bits (287), Expect = 1.800e-22 Identity = 59/73 (80.82%), Postives = 62/73 (84.93%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 7 VATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVFK 80 VA SLSEATRAGKRLREL+L SS DLRCVNLMCEKVG+PCICRLAR LS TP LERL L+ N L LPEEVFK Sbjct: 15 VAKSLSEATRAGKRLRELILSSSEDLRCVNLMCEKVGEPCICRLARTLSQTPALERLVLSNNNLTVLPEEVFK 87
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_009525062.1 (hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_496570 [Phytophthora sojae] >EGZ22345.1 hypothetical protein PHYSODRAFT_496570 [Phytophthora sojae]) HSP 1 Score: 80.1 bits (196), Expect = 6.400e-12 Identity = 42/77 (54.55%), Postives = 50/77 (64.94%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 2 STTKFVATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVF 79 S+T +ATSL + R+G R+ EL L S DL C LMCE VGD C CRLA L P L RLDL+ N L+ALP+ VF Sbjct: 22 SSTCVLATSLRDIARSGARVEELELSKSGDLICRQLMCEHVGDACACRLALALERVPRLRRLDLSANQLRALPDAVF 98
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: CCI49145.1 (unnamed protein product [Albugo candida]) HSP 1 Score: 79.7 bits (195), Expect = 8.400e-12 Identity = 37/74 (50.00%), Postives = 49/74 (66.22%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 7 VATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVFKL 81 VATS +A ++G REL+L S DL C NLMCE++G C CRLA +L+ P L LDL+ N L+ +P+ VF L Sbjct: 5 VATSFRQAAKSGAATRELILNKSQDLVCKNLMCERIGGACACRLAHILTCVPKLTHLDLSNNELETIPDAVFSL 78
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: CCA20920.1 (conserved hypothetical protein [Albugo laibachii Nc14]) HSP 1 Score: 78.6 bits (192), Expect = 1.900e-11 Identity = 36/74 (48.65%), Postives = 49/74 (66.22%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 7 VATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVFKL 81 VATS + + G +++L+L+ S DL C NLMCEK+G C CRLA +L+ P L LDL+ N L+ +PE VF L Sbjct: 5 VATSFRDVAKNGATIKKLILKKSQDLVCKNLMCEKIGGACACRLAHILTCVPKLTHLDLSNNSLETIPEAVFGL 78
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_008609436.1 (hypothetical protein SDRG_05498 [Saprolegnia diclina VS20] >EQC37274.1 hypothetical protein SDRG_05498 [Saprolegnia diclina VS20]) HSP 1 Score: 78.2 bits (191), Expect = 2.400e-11 Identity = 36/72 (50.00%), Postives = 51/72 (70.83%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 7 VATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVF 79 +A SL +A +R+LVLR S DL C+NLMCE+VG+ C+C+L+ VL P LE LD+++N LK+LP +F Sbjct: 2 IAKSLRDAATHTSAVRQLVLRKSEDLLCMNLMCERVGEACVCKLSVVLERLPQLEHLDVSRNNLKSLPPAIF 73
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_012199901.1 (hypothetical protein SPRG_05936 [Saprolegnia parasitica CBS 223.65] >KDO29399.1 hypothetical protein SPRG_05936 [Saprolegnia parasitica CBS 223.65]) HSP 1 Score: 76.6 bits (187), Expect = 7.100e-11 Identity = 35/74 (47.30%), Postives = 51/74 (68.92%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 5 KFVATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVF 79 + +A SL +A +R+LVLR S DL C+NLMCE+VG+ C+C+L+ VL P LE LD+++N L +LP +F Sbjct: 381 RMIAKSLRDAATHTSAVRQLVLRKSEDLLCMNLMCERVGEACVCKLSVVLERLPQLEHLDVSRNNLMSLPPAIF 454
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: ETK82933.1 (hypothetical protein L915_11777 [Phytophthora parasitica] >ETL36312.1 hypothetical protein L916_11702 [Phytophthora parasitica] >ETP12672.1 hypothetical protein F441_12030 [Phytophthora parasitica CJ01A1] >KUF93099.1 Glucanase inhibitor protein 1 [Phytophthora nicotianae]) HSP 1 Score: 75.5 bits (184), Expect = 1.600e-10 Identity = 39/77 (50.65%), Postives = 49/77 (63.64%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 2 STTKFVATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVF 79 ++T AT L + RAG R+ +L L S DL C LMCE VGD C CRLA L P L+RLDL+ N L+ALP+ V+ Sbjct: 21 ASTALSATCLRDIARAGARVVDLQLPKSGDLVCRQLMCEHVGDACACRLALALERVPRLQRLDLSNNQLRALPDAVY 97
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_008908332.1 (hypothetical protein PPTG_13708 [Phytophthora parasitica INRA-310] >ETI42897.1 hypothetical protein F443_12064 [Phytophthora parasitica P1569] >ETL89522.1 hypothetical protein L917_11566 [Phytophthora parasitica] >ETM42809.1 hypothetical protein L914_11612 [Phytophthora parasitica] >ETN06363.1 hypothetical protein PPTG_13708 [Phytophthora parasitica INRA-310] >ETO71530.1 hypothetical protein F444_12160 [Phytophthora parasitica P1976] >ETP40746.1 hypothetical protein F442_11975 [Phytophthora parasitica P10297] >KUF85853.1 Leucine-rich repeat protein SHOC-2 [Phytophthora nicotianae]) HSP 1 Score: 75.1 bits (183), Expect = 2.100e-10 Identity = 39/77 (50.65%), Postives = 49/77 (63.64%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 2 STTKFVATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVF 79 ++T AT L + RAG R+ +L L S DL C LMCE VGD C CRLA L P L+RLDL+ N L+ALP+ V+ Sbjct: 21 ASTAVSATCLRDIARAGARVVDLQLPKSGDLVCRQLMCEHVGDACACRLALALERVPRLQRLDLSNNQLRALPDAVY 97
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: OQS01902.1 (hypothetical protein THRCLA_21571 [Thraustotheca clavata]) HSP 1 Score: 73.6 bits (179), Expect = 6.000e-10 Identity = 35/74 (47.30%), Postives = 51/74 (68.92%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 7 VATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVFKL 81 +A SL +A +++LVLR S DL C NLMCE+VG+ C+C+L+ VL P LE LD+++N L+ LP +F+L Sbjct: 2 IAKSLRDAATHTSSVQKLVLRKSQDLVCRNLMCERVGEACVCKLSLVLERLPQLEELDVSENKLQMLPPSIFQL 75
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: OWZ16164.1 (hypothetical protein PHMEG_00010082 [Phytophthora megakarya]) HSP 1 Score: 73.2 bits (178), Expect = 7.900e-10 Identity = 39/79 (49.37%), Postives = 49/79 (62.03%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 2 STTKFVATSLSEATRAGKRLRELVLRSSADLRCVNLMCEKVGDPCICRLARVLSLTPNLERLDLAKNGLKALPEEVFKL 81 ++ +ATSL + R+G R+ EL L S DL C LMCE VGD C CRLA L P L+ LDL+ N L+ LP+ VF L Sbjct: 21 ASVSVLATSLRDIARSGARVVELELPQSGDLVCRQLMCEHVGDACACRLALALERVPRLQLLDLSANQLRDLPDAVFAL 99 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of NO06G00740 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Analysis Date: 2019-07-11 (BLASTP analysis of N. oceanica IMET1 genes) Total hits: 15
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This gene is member of the following syntenic_region feature(s):
This gene is orthologous to the following gene feature(s):
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this gene:
The following gene feature(s) are orthologous to this gene:
The following mRNA feature(s) are a part of this gene:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
gene sequence >NO06G00740 ID=NO06G00740|Name=NO06G00740|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=gene|length=1010bpback to top protein sequence of NO06G00740.1 >NO06G00740.1-protein ID=NO06G00740.1-protein|Name=NO06G00740.1|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=polypeptide|length=150bpback to top Synonyms