NO01G03860, NO01G03860 (gene) Nannochloropsis oceanica
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Annotated Terms
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BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: EWM29317.1 (ribosomal protein l29 [Nannochloropsis gaditana]) HSP 1 Score: 114.0 bits (284), Expect = 3.300e-22 Identity = 56/65 (86.15%), Postives = 60/65 (92.31%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 57 PLLTTAAMAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNKVVKVVKA 122 P++ ++ MAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNKVVK A Sbjct: 14 PVVKSSVMAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNKVVKTAGA 78
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_007509507.1 (PREDICTED: 60S ribosomal protein L29-like [Bathycoccus prasinos] >CCO19310.1 PREDICTED: 60S ribosomal protein L29-like [Bathycoccus prasinos]) HSP 1 Score: 85.9 bits (211), Expect = 9.500e-14 Identity = 41/52 (78.85%), Postives = 45/52 (86.54%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 64 MAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNKV 116 MAKS NHT NQS+KAHRNGIKKPK + KSLKGMDPK+LRNQ+F KKHNKV Sbjct: 1 MAKSTNHTAHNQSYKAHRNGIKKPKKHAKKSLKGMDPKFLRNQKFCKKHNKV 52
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: AAX48863.1 (L29 [Suberites domuncula]) HSP 1 Score: 83.2 bits (204), Expect = 6.200e-13 Identity = 40/51 (78.43%), Postives = 45/51 (88.24%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 64 MAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNK 115 MAKSKNHTN NQSFKAHRNG+KKP+ S SLKG+DPK+L+N RFAKKHNK Sbjct: 1 MAKSKNHTNHNQSFKAHRNGMKKPRRTRSPSLKGVDPKFLKNMRFAKKHNK 51
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_016552100.1 (PREDICTED: 60S ribosomal protein L29-1-like [Capsicum annuum]) HSP 1 Score: 82.4 bits (202), Expect = 1.100e-12 Identity = 39/53 (73.58%), Postives = 45/53 (84.91%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 64 MAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNKVV 117 MAKSKNHT NQS+KAHRNGIKKPK + S KGMDPK+LRNQR+A+KHNK + Sbjct: 1 MAKSKNHTAHNQSYKAHRNGIKKPKRHRHSSTKGMDPKFLRNQRYARKHNKKI 53
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: PNT16457.1 (hypothetical protein POPTR_010G142000v3 [Populus trichocarpa]) HSP 1 Score: 82.4 bits (202), Expect = 1.100e-12 Identity = 42/64 (65.62%), Postives = 48/64 (75.00%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 51 LERREPPLLTTAAMAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNK 115 L EP L + MAKSKNHT NQS KAH+NGIKKPK + S KGMDPK+LRNQR+A+KHNK Sbjct: 51 LSAPEPHQLFVSEMAKSKNHTAHNQSHKAHQNGIKKPKRHRHTSTKGMDPKFLRNQRYARKHNK 114
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_004239876.1 (PREDICTED: 60S ribosomal protein L29-2-like [Solanum lycopersicum] >XP_015074678.1 PREDICTED: 60S ribosomal protein L29-2-like [Solanum pennellii]) HSP 1 Score: 82.0 bits (201), Expect = 1.400e-12 Identity = 39/51 (76.47%), Postives = 45/51 (88.24%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 64 MAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNK 115 MAKSKNHT NQS+KAHRNGIKKPK++ S KGMDPK+LRNQR+A+KHNK Sbjct: 1 MAKSKNHTAHNQSYKAHRNGIKKPKSHRHSSTKGMDPKFLRNQRYARKHNK 51
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_015167978.1 (PREDICTED: 60S ribosomal protein L29-2-like [Solanum tuberosum]) HSP 1 Score: 82.0 bits (201), Expect = 1.400e-12 Identity = 39/51 (76.47%), Postives = 45/51 (88.24%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 64 MAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNK 115 MAKSKNHT NQS+KAHRNGIKKPK++ S KGMDPK+LRNQR+A+KHNK Sbjct: 1 MAKSKNHTAHNQSYKAHRNGIKKPKSHRHSSTKGMDPKFLRNQRYARKHNK 51
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: XP_016573541.1 (PREDICTED: 60S ribosomal protein L29-2-like [Capsicum annuum] >XP_016573542.1 PREDICTED: 60S ribosomal protein L29-2-like [Capsicum annuum]) HSP 1 Score: 81.6 bits (200), Expect = 1.800e-12 Identity = 39/51 (76.47%), Postives = 44/51 (86.27%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 64 MAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNK 115 MAKSKNHT NQS+KAHRNGIKKPK + S KGMDPK+LRNQR+A+KHNK Sbjct: 1 MAKSKNHTAHNQSYKAHRNGIKKPKRHRHSSTKGMDPKFLRNQRYARKHNK 51
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: GAV70875.1 (Ribosomal_L29e domain-containing protein [Cephalotus follicularis]) HSP 1 Score: 81.6 bits (200), Expect = 1.800e-12 Identity = 39/51 (76.47%), Postives = 44/51 (86.27%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 64 MAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNK 115 MAKSKNHT NQSFKAHRNGIKKP+ + S KGMDPK+LRNQR+A+KHNK Sbjct: 1 MAKSKNHTAHNQSFKAHRNGIKKPRKHRHSSTKGMDPKFLRNQRYARKHNK 51
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Match: PTQ36198.1 (hypothetical protein MARPO_0065s0019 [Marchantia polymorpha] >PTQ36199.1 hypothetical protein MARPO_0065s0019 [Marchantia polymorpha]) HSP 1 Score: 81.6 bits (200), Expect = 1.800e-12 Identity = 41/58 (70.69%), Postives = 46/58 (79.31%), Query Frame = 0 Query: 64 MAKSKNHTNRNQSFKAHRNGIKKPKNYVSKSLKGMDPKYLRNQRFAKKHNKVVKVVKA 122 MAKSKNHT NQS+KAH+NGIKKPK S KGMDPK+LRNQR+AKKHNKV +A Sbjct: 1 MAKSKNHTAHNQSYKAHKNGIKKPKKQKYASRKGMDPKFLRNQRYAKKHNKVAGAEEA 58 The following BLAST results are available for this feature:
BLAST of NO01G03860 vs. NCBI_GenBank
Analysis Date: 2019-07-11 (BLASTP analysis of N. oceanica IMET1 genes) Total hits: 20
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This gene is member of the following syntenic_region feature(s):
This gene is orthologous to the following gene feature(s):
The following polypeptide feature(s) derives from this gene:
The following gene feature(s) are orthologous to this gene:
The following mRNA feature(s) are a part of this gene:
The following sequences are available for this feature:
gene sequence >NO01G03860 ID=NO01G03860|Name=NO01G03860|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=gene|length=1171bpback to top protein sequence of NO01G03860.1 >NO01G03860.1-protein ID=NO01G03860.1-protein|Name=NO01G03860.1|organism=Nannochloropsis oceanica|type=polypeptide|length=122bpback to top Synonyms